Saturday, March 13, 2010

Album Of The Week: Feb. 15th

The Moon and the Melodies by Harold Budd, Simon Raymonde, Robin Guthrie, Elizabeth Fraser

I'm about to date myself, but I've been listening to this album for close to 15 years, since my first year of college. I listened to it practically every day, since it was the perfect soundtrack for studying. Not to say that the music is boring or easy to ignore--it's spacey, dreamy, and very soothing. That's why it continues to be a regular, even though I am finished with school. Not only is it good for when I'm working, it's wonderful to put on if I feel like having a cup of tea and taking a little nap.

Released in 1986, this album was created by composer Harold Budd and the Cocteau Twins. I don't know much about Budd, but I'm a big fan of Cocteau Twins, and much of the album sounds like them, which is fine with me. It is mostly electronic with swirly guitars, keyboards, and depending on the song, nice strong drumming or none at all.

Elizabeth Fraser's voice is beautiful as always on "Sea, Swallow Me," which starts the album and is upbeat, with a more rounded-out sound than some songs on the album. The flowing piano and airy keyboards on "Why Do You Love Me?" is quite therapeutic, and I very much enjoy the sparse, reverberating piano and saxophone layered over the shiny guitar on "The Ghost Has No Home."

This is an excellent album to play while you are doing just about anything. Or if you are doing nothing at all. Definitely worth adding to your collection.

8.5/10 By Scarlett L.